Ann Coulter and Muslim Studies

Ann Coulter consistently comes up with the best witticisms. If you haven't read her latest column on the "peaceful" Muslims, it is worth your time. The riots over cartoons, published months and months ago by European newspapers (Danish and Norwegian), show just how peaceful and tolerant Muslims are. Ann, in her usually-tongue-in-cheek style, gives you all the points. I find this quote by Coulter to be especially poignant: The rioting Muslims claim they are upset because Islam prohibits any depictions of Muhammad -- though the text is ambiguous on beheadings, suicide bombings and flying planes into skyscrapers. [end quote]
The Supreme Court, pic above, depicts "Muhammad," along with other religious people. This is just one example of a history of likenesses of Muhammad. So, all this hoopla is being flamed for a reason, and I believe it is to keep their people engulfed with rage toward all others, to keep them under a leader's or leaders' control. Perhaps more on that later.
Now, I can't imagine what Ann would say about the new "thing" in Europe that is out-raging some Muslims... it is an Arab-looking sex doll named "Mustafa." (chime in here, Ms. Coulter!) This moniker is supposedly another name for "Muhammad." These are sold mainly in London to women for bachelorette parties. Personally, I just can't get my mind around this, so I am leaving this topic for you to explore.
To read Ann's entire column, click here.
Also, here is a "cartoon" that was on a website's photo contest. One was to pick a famous person or character and show what would be in their "Bag of Crap" (what this website does with leftover products in their warehouse... $1 for up to 3 "craps"). Let me know what you think:

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