
Monday, February 27, 2006

Port Palpitations

It happens. I take issue with Rush Limbaugh from time and time, and this port-leasing by the UAE is one of those times. Rush is beating the drum in such a way that anyone who has concerns is an imbecile, a freak, looking for a terrorist under every bush and in each port portal.

My whole concern in this ordeal is that these ports are a part of our border... a border that all, regardless of political stripe, have regarded as porous. Security checks at these port borders are lackluster. So, my natural progression of thought runs to all of our borders... why not lease out the Mexican and Canadian borders? Why not? My guess is a another country might do a better job in running our borders than we are! It would be just a lease. There will be American security on our side that will check a few of those entryways. Set it up like we have at our seaports.

Secondly, I take Israel's safety seriously. If they go to war and need anything from our country, would a UAE-owned port hold up a ship, delaying it by a day, a week? Would that foreign country have interests in knowing what the cargo of a ship to Israel contains and the track it would take through the oceans? (insert sinking, here) This concern was voiced by an Englishman on FoxNews Channel who appeared to be of Arab decent. I think his line of thinking is appropriate and telling.

If I recall correctly, Rush had concerns about the Chinese owenership of the entry and exit of the Panama Canal. I don't see this as much of a difference. It is good to be concerned and take appropriate measures, if needed.

Perhaps this whole deal will go through as originally planned, but people have reported that the security issues regarding the deal are sketchy and the Dubai-owned company would have easier restrictions than it's UK seller. I want to know if that is true. I realize other countries operate ports, yet I want secure borders... it is a first defense. We need to look at this issue closely.

As you can see, I want a review on how we guard our borders. That is the heart beat of this log and the boiled-down summary of my thoughts. Our borders should be as secure as possible, and I challange Rush Limbaugh on these points.


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