
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day; A New Era

OK, Conservatives, it is time to dig in and vocalize our points, our issues, our positions. There must be some checks and balances to this Democrat-controlled country, and at present there are virtually none.
Congratulations to Obama and his historic place. I will do as God instructs and pray for my leaders. My God and Lord, please protect us against evil and ill-doing. Confuse our enemies, those domestic and foreign. We need You.
Ken went to the inauguration. He was one of those who had a Purple ticket and did not get in, though a volunteer went by the crowd and told them they would all get in. Ken was in line very early and they did not even let the line of people in first come, first served! It was horribly, horribly organized. A young girl, about 10 years of age, stood and just cried in the cold, cold morning, not being able to see what she was told she would. They did not hear anything, see anything, and experienced incompetency and sheer frustration. I hope this is not a foreshadowing of the new day, the hope, the era we will have to endure.


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