
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sid "Vicious" Blumenthal arrested

Wow... 70 miles an hour (or more?) in a 35 mph zone while allegedly driving drunk. Do you think it is interesting that no one heard about this on the day of the NH primary since it happened the night before... you know he is an advisor to that crying woman running for President?

So, Sid Vicious, the one who sued Drudge, the one who attacked the Arkansas State Troopers for the Clintons, the one who many readers responded with glee to the article about his arrest for Aggravated DWI, is the one who will possibly face a few days in jail. The people who commented after this article were incredibly tough on Sidney... and I couldn't be happier to see that someone remembers. The saddest part, and one that always makes my heart droop, is the bloggers who recanted how their loved ones have been killed by drunk drivers. Here is the article, postings follow it:

I would like to see what "DocPolitic" said come to fruition: "Forget the booking photo...I'd love to see the failed sobriety test! It's got to be on video...."

Mark my words, however, that he will plead a deal to get no jail time. In my opinion he should face whatever the maximum sentence is allowed under New Hampshire law. My guess is that he will weasel his way out of it somehow.



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