
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Latest Updates

Ken did a great job speaking at Sweet Union Republican Women's Club this last Tuesday night. Thank you to those who asked questions and commented on how much they enjoyed it. This was Deborah Barton's first night to be president of the club, and she did a fantastic job. I really look forward to her leadership. I enjoy reading what she finds and posts on her facebook account, too.

I'm enjoying the Democrats writhing over Rush Limbaugh and his comments about not wanting to see Pres. Obama succeed. Who in their "right" mind would want to see liberalism succeed! If Pres. Obama gets enlightened and wants to rule with the mindset of freedom and liberty and justice for all, I'll hop onto the "Succeed Train." Until then, I hope his endeavors will fail since I believe America will be in peril if liberals get their way of tax and spend. 70% of spending belongs to "us." The current "stimulus" spending package, now in the Senate's hands, doesn't touch "us." My family has been affected by this downturn, and I am ready to see my country do what is right and not continue down the road of financial ruin with these pork-laden packages that enslave my daughter's future. I'm ready for Barack Obama to do the radical, right thing!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Day; A New Era

OK, Conservatives, it is time to dig in and vocalize our points, our issues, our positions. There must be some checks and balances to this Democrat-controlled country, and at present there are virtually none.
Congratulations to Obama and his historic place. I will do as God instructs and pray for my leaders. My God and Lord, please protect us against evil and ill-doing. Confuse our enemies, those domestic and foreign. We need You.
Ken went to the inauguration. He was one of those who had a Purple ticket and did not get in, though a volunteer went by the crowd and told them they would all get in. Ken was in line very early and they did not even let the line of people in first come, first served! It was horribly, horribly organized. A young girl, about 10 years of age, stood and just cried in the cold, cold morning, not being able to see what she was told she would. They did not hear anything, see anything, and experienced incompetency and sheer frustration. I hope this is not a foreshadowing of the new day, the hope, the era we will have to endure.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Topic, Israel: Ken to Speak to Sweet Union Rep. Women!

By popular demand Ken has been asked to speak again about Israel to Sweet Union Republican Women's Club this month (4th Tues). If you would like to come, please let me know and I'll get you all the information you need. For over a decade Ken has been covering Israeli news in Norwegian at Karmel.net, a website he designed and maintains. The format for this website is news snipets about Israeli events, like the Wall Street Journal's front page or DrudgeReport.com.

Ken's brother has been an Israeli corresondant from Jerusalem for over a decade and is editor of the paper version of Karmel (Norwegian publication) that has been in existence since before Israel became a nation.

An English internet version is in the works, carmeljournal.org, but time and financing are needed to go forward. Please keep that as a prayer request.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Democrat Leadership and "Lord of the Rings"

From moment one, the day after the November 2008 elections, my thoughts turned to Tolkein's "Lord of the Rings." I envisioned the scene of the Orcs and those on the dark side turning against one another, vying for power, devouring one another, as the good guys in the story get away to live another day.
Well, with the last month of fiasco after fiasco inside the Democrat party, and now with Harry Reid setting Obama straight this week that he doesn't work for him, then Democrat Reid flexing his muscles against Illinois and it's appointed Senator, then others' feelings hurt over not being told Leon Paneta was going to be over the CIA, it seems my correlation is about to start living itself out. I just hope it continues and the maniacal, power-hungry, Democrat political positioning continues and little to nothing gets done, saving the average American for another day. Our freedom from government is at stake and this is one of the biggest mistakes President Bush made during his terms. Mind you, I do thank George W. Bush for his passion for protecting us, but I am afraid that the enemy from within, an over-reaching Congress, Democrat and Republican, is to blame for our current economic woes. The Democrats, having had control of both sides of Congress for the last two years, have been horrible. They have fed on us, the American people. Yet, with full power, now, I really do not want to ponder what they can do to us for the next two years. I will have plenty of fodder on which to comment, I am certain.
As far as the good guys go, I am still looking for them. Watching. Waiting. Wondering who will emerge to lead the day for the Conservatives. I am looking for those who can handle the truth and expertly let it flow to the general public. I am looking for people to use their bully pulpits to swiftly and smoothly, like a beautiful parry, make the verbal strike that hits the American soul so that they understand the truth and will vote it's way.
I hope I haven't reached too far in my longings and found myself full-circle, back in the world of fiction.

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