
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Port P.S.

This is as succinct as you can get, so I'll let CNSNews.com say it:

"Dubai Ports Company Boycotts Israel(CNSNews.com) - The parent company of Dubai Ports World participates in the Arab boycott against Israel, the Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday. US law bars firms from cooperating with attempts by Arab governments to boycott Israel."

Hmmmm. You can't participate in boycotting Israel and deal with U.S. firms.... I guess the loop hole here is our US govenment excludes itself.

Here is the link to today's Jerusalem Post article on this.

Interesting quote from that Post article:

"Yes, of course the boycott is still in place and is still enforced," Muhammad Rashid a-Din, a staff member of the Dubai Customs Department's Office for the Boycott of Israel, told the Post in a telephone interview.
"If a product contained even some components that were made in Israel, and you wanted to import it to Dubai, it would be a problem," he said. [end quote]

You think that's enough... I'm not finished, this man and "his fellow staff members are paid employees of the Dubai Customs Department, which is a division of the PCZC, the same Dubai government-owned entity that runs Dubai Ports World." Ouch.

OK... Bush staff, get your house in order here before *you* overspeak. I'm for ya, not against ya, but let's use some common sense.

Ken Speaks on Citizenship

My husband Ken did a superb job with his speech to Union (NC) County's League of Women Voters last night. Tearing up while describing how he became a United States citizen, he gave the audience a review of what it takes to get there and the intense value citizenship has for him. Ken gave examples of some questions that another country has on their citizenship test and how that is vastly different than what we require on our test. Additionally, he spoke on the Constitution and how each individual should understand what it states, that children should know this document before graduating from our schools, and the wonderous nature by which that document was crafted.

Ken's next scheduled appearance is May 25th at the Mecklenburg Evening Republican Women's Club. He will speak on world events.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Port Palpitations

It happens. I take issue with Rush Limbaugh from time and time, and this port-leasing by the UAE is one of those times. Rush is beating the drum in such a way that anyone who has concerns is an imbecile, a freak, looking for a terrorist under every bush and in each port portal.

My whole concern in this ordeal is that these ports are a part of our border... a border that all, regardless of political stripe, have regarded as porous. Security checks at these port borders are lackluster. So, my natural progression of thought runs to all of our borders... why not lease out the Mexican and Canadian borders? Why not? My guess is a another country might do a better job in running our borders than we are! It would be just a lease. There will be American security on our side that will check a few of those entryways. Set it up like we have at our seaports.

Secondly, I take Israel's safety seriously. If they go to war and need anything from our country, would a UAE-owned port hold up a ship, delaying it by a day, a week? Would that foreign country have interests in knowing what the cargo of a ship to Israel contains and the track it would take through the oceans? (insert sinking, here) This concern was voiced by an Englishman on FoxNews Channel who appeared to be of Arab decent. I think his line of thinking is appropriate and telling.

If I recall correctly, Rush had concerns about the Chinese owenership of the entry and exit of the Panama Canal. I don't see this as much of a difference. It is good to be concerned and take appropriate measures, if needed.

Perhaps this whole deal will go through as originally planned, but people have reported that the security issues regarding the deal are sketchy and the Dubai-owned company would have easier restrictions than it's UK seller. I want to know if that is true. I realize other countries operate ports, yet I want secure borders... it is a first defense. We need to look at this issue closely.

As you can see, I want a review on how we guard our borders. That is the heart beat of this log and the boiled-down summary of my thoughts. Our borders should be as secure as possible, and I challange Rush Limbaugh on these points.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Meck Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner

I greatly appreciated the opportunity to sing our "National Anthem" and "God Bless America" at the Mecklenburg (NC) Lincoln-Reagan Day Dinner. Thank you to those who included me in that event. The program was superb with Senator Richard Burr as the featured speaker. FCC Chairman Kevin Martin spoke, as well. He is from Weddington, NC. Hearing him speak was fascinating since one doesn't normally get to hear someone from the FCC.

One point from Burr's speech that stood out is how North Carolina will benefit greatly from some upcoming energy initiatives... that we are large producers of ethanol, I believe he said. Interesting. I'll try to find out more about that and report back to you on it.

Also, I said I would update you if I am to sing at the April 29th (I had wrong date earlier!) NC Federation of Republican Women's "Tribute to Women Dinner." That was confirmed tonight as I was in Charlotte. So, I am extra thankful for that upcoming opportunity, not to mention that I am blessed to sing for Union County's convention in March.

Well, thank you for letting me tell you a little about what is going on with me.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Real Scientists "Dis" Darwin Theory

So, just a few blog spots ago I spoke about the ministers supporting Darwin's Theory. Well, here ya go... you have real, doctoral (means they have a doctrate) scientists signing a big, wampum paper saying they don't believe in Darwin's Theory. This is what 514 scientists signed:

"We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged."

Here is the article on this.
Here is the website for these scientists.

Note from the article, it says that PBS' promotion purported that virutally all scientists believe the Darwinian theory to be true. What hogwash. What extreme environmentalist wrote that junk for them? And believe you me, I believe it was an extreme environmentalist... they are already believing the lies being fed them on that. Who else can believe those types of long stretches of a lapse of common sense? Like Rush Limbaugh says, "I know these people."

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

South Dakota Births Abortion Ban

South Dakota's Senate passed a ban on abortions today, sending it back to their House side to be approved. Their Representatives have already passed a bill similiar to the Senate's, so watchers expect this bill to become state law.

This is monumental and should not be overlooked as the rage over our ports goes on. The state law does allow for medical emergencies, in that a mother's life may have to be chosen over the baby's. SD has one Planned Parenthood business, and they have said they will sue once the bill is final. Interestingly, an anonymous donor has offered the state $1 million to help defray their legal expenses in fighting the upcoming lawsuit.

The Supreme Court this week has said it will review a case banning late-term abortions, i.e. partial-birth abortions. These days and weeks ahead will prove extremely important for those individuals yet to be born. My opinion lies in that our Constitution says we have the right to pursue life, not to mention that God knit that person in it's mother's womb. I'll be hoping the Courts uphold life.

To read about the Supreme Court and this case, here are two different sources for you:
Elites TV
Associated Baptist Press

Rep. Sue Myrick Pulls No Punch

I've heard both sides of the selling our ports to a company out of the United Arab Emirates. My base reaction, even after the President said he would veto anything that would get in the way of this transaction, was one of great trepidation.

I'm, now, sold on not selling to the UAE company. What helps cement my thoughts is the leadership I trust and believe in writing this letter to our President today:

Dear Mr. President,

In regards to selling American ports to the United Arab Emirates, not just NO--but HELL NO!


Sue Myrick
Member of Congress

Thank you, Sue, for your leadership and pluck. I value the person who will take the right stand in the face of possible and/or imminent adversity. Here is a quote from Donald Rumsfeld invoking that type of intelligent response, "Don't accept the post or stay unless you have an understanding with the President that you're free to tell him what you think "with the bark off" and you have the courage to do it."

Sue has the courage.

The letter:

Saturday, February 18, 2006

It should read, "I Don't Believe God."

Who needs "Americans for the Separation of Church and State" when we have these people. One of the saddest stories of late is one about a letter called The Clergy Letter Project. The creators of this letter say they have 10,000 signatures from clergy who support evolution as defined by science. One line of the letter says that of all Christians, "the overwhelming majority do not read the Bible literally, as they would a science textbook."

I strongly beg to differ. In fact, this intelligently-created being reads the books in exact juxtaposition to what their letter says, and there is stronger "scientific theorem" to back that. Just how many scientists have be proven wrong when they said a Biblical city never existed and some archeologist finds traces it does? Think carbon-dating is foul-proof? Think again. Let me give you a new lightbulb joke: How many Evolution scientists does it take to change a lightbulb? Hmmm... none, they believe one will evolve to take the last one's place!

Let me get in one point I do believe... I do believe in the "little e" evolution. Things do change, evolve, to adapt to an environment. Yet, give me one missing-link FACT of the "big E" evolution. There are none. Repeat this after me, "Order never, ever will, it can't come out of, chaos." Now, let me whisper something to you... we are devolving. When God made it all, He pronounced that it was good. It was whole. It was perfect. The order God created started to unwind after sin was brought into our universe.

A few more choice words from the "clergy:" "We believe that the theory of evolution is a foundational scientific truth, one that has stood up to rigorous scrutiny and upon which much of human knowledge and achievement rests. To reject this truth... is to deliberately embrace scientific ignorance and transmit such ignorance to our children."
"We ask that science remain science and that religion remain religion, two very different, but complementary, forms of truth." They can say this because they just called Creation, Adam and Eve, and Noah and the Ark, stories. Stories... the only way humans could understand God.

The New York Times reports on a few of the churches who celebrated the letter with sermons, calling last Sunday "Evolution Sunday." Yet, it said some churches would not be doing sermons on this topic (I wonder why... fewer paritioners next week, perhaps?). In their article, the two churches participating were pretty small in numbers.

Rev. Patricia Templeton was one to sermonize evolution at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church in Atlanta. A parishoner of hers compared antibiotics with evolution, describing how viruses can mutate to survive what should kill them. Thus, this man ends up equating the Theory of Evolution with the "little e" evolution.

These "clergy" are confusing real science and theories. Telling people that they can't believe in Creation and real science is unGodly. Telling people that the "big E" Evolution is fact and the Bible is just a beautiful story is heresy. Again, a "big bang" begats chaos, not order. My new theory is that these 10,000 (or so) "clergy" who signed this letter need to find a new order of business, a new profession. They are a shame to God and to any intelligent creation.

Here is a link to the letter itself.
Link to New York Times article.

Agape Press article on this letter.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Defining Moment - on Life

Today at lunch the "abortion" subject came up. Out of the seven people at my table, one proceeded to take the "pro-life position, except for the life of the mother," one declared herself "pro-choice," my friend and I are pro-life, and the other three didn't declare and made general comments about the subject.

What I found interesting was that I am finding that the term "abortion" is being misused. Not just by the group with which I was dining, but seemingly by everyone. It appears noble and high-minded to say one is "pro-life, except in the case of the life of the mother," but I disagree totally with this entire appproach, the entire concept.

A baby is to be born, tucked warmly into a womb, and the mother goes into labor. Something happens and the baby and mother are plunged into a medical emergency. Follow me, here... a medical emergency. The husband has to make a decision, the Doctor is asking him tough questions about how to save each life. Would this be an abortion if he chose the mother? Certainly not.

Why, then, do we add that caveat when discussing abortion? A woman walks in and tells the Doctor to do what it takes to rip this fetus out. Now, is that an abortion? Yes. The fight pro-life people undertake deals with this out-and-out definition of abortion, the deliberate snuffing out of a life. A medical emergency is just that, an emergency, where life and death choices are forced upon one.

The subject of abortion will resurface in the national debate over the sanctity of life. It is always an undercurrent, rippling up to white-water status some election years. Yet, I ask you to challange those political candidates or leaders who use the argument "except in the case of the life of the mother," that the intent of the mother on having the baby is the crux of the matter, that what they are talking about is an emergency, not an "abortion," and then reask the individual your question.

To email this to a friend, click the letter icon below. Comments are always welcome.

An Easley Education

$200 million dollars. That's the sum that has been taken out of the Education Fund by Governor Easley and is to be "reimbursed" by lottery proceeds the state will (future tense) realize. How on the face of this green and blue planet does Easley explain this, after assuring us this lottery money is going to add to what we have on educational spending, not supplant it?

Our state auditor, Les Merritt, one of the few Republicans serving our state office, has asked the Governor for an accounting of where the education money growth will go.
"Easley officials said they will show at budget time this spring where the additional money will go." For the Winston-Salem article on this click here.

This, I predict, will only get worse, but don't expect the liberal newspapers in our major cities to cover it with any consistency. By and by, I'll give you links to those monitoring it. I leave you with this quote: "In all likelihood, the public was hoodwinked," said Elaine Mejia, the director of the North Carolina Budget and Tax Center in Raleigh.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another Gay Film... about a Muslim

Life is not hard enough for Hollywood, so one director is potentially drawing a huge red bull's eye on Hollywood with which the Muslim community might take aim. The radical Islamic world will not be sweet-talking California once "Allah," a new movie hits the street rioters.

This movie, "Allah," will show the struggles of homosexual Muslims. Mr. Meza from Variety.Com says this, "Gay Indian Muslim helmer Parvez Sharma is directing the pic, which looks at gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims across the Muslim and Western worlds."

The gay/lesbian agenda is getting so brave and loud that it has finally managed to erode many institutional freedoms in this country, starting with benefits that were meant to be for the "nuclear family." "Marriage" is being redefined... taking on a lesser meaning, like that of a "union." Yet, from a Biblical perspective from Sodom and Gomorrah... wait, they can't have a perspective, their gone, this United States of America better be careful what we condone.

Giving a pass to things God says is sin isn't trivial in matter. God is gracious and loving and kind, but lest one forget, "vengeance is mine, saith the Lord." His grace is long-suffering, but his judgment is swift, and He will judge.

To know God in a personal way and the sacrifice he made through his Son, click here. This will take you to the Billy Graham website and tell you what God wants each person on this earth to know.

Comments? Please click below. Also, you can email this blog posting to a friend by clicking the letter icon.

Personal Update

Some upcoming events where either Ken, my husband, or I will be "on stage:"

I will be singing "The Star Spangled Banner" and "God Bless America" Saturday, Feb. 25th for Mecklenburg County's Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner in Charlotte, NC.

Ken speaks to Union County's (NC) League of Women Voters on Monday, Feb. 27th on citizenship and world events.

I sing "The Star Spangled Banner" for the Union County (NC) Republican Convention on Saturday, Mar. 18th.

I am excited to have been asked to sing for the NC Federation of Republican Women's "Tribute to Women" event in Charlotte on April 22nd, but nothing has been ironed out, yet. I will let you know what comes of that! Either way, I will be there with bells on!

Ken speaks to the Mecklenburg Evening Republican Women's Club on May 25th about world events.

Ken maintains a number of websites. Karmel Institute in Norway publishes a magazine on Israeli events and news and has been in publication for close to 60 years. Ken is the man behind their website which is in Norwegian and gives snippets/summaries of Iraeli news Monday through Friday.
This Israeli news can be found in English in a site Ken has produced as CarmelJournal.
For the Norwegian site, click here.
For the Engligh site, Carmel Journal, click here.


Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Brady Response to Cheney Accident

Yes, Dick Cheney accidentally shot a friend and hunting partner on Saturday. The man, Mr. Harry Whittington, is reportedly sitting up in bed and cracking jokes today. Praise God that he is doing as well as he is, having just been shot. Yet, did you catch the response from the Bradys... you know the ones, "The Brady Law," Reagan shooting?

Jim and Sarah Brady came out brandishing their own comments to this accident. Those were shot out by someone at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Now, get ready, here is what the Bradys unloaded on us about this accident:

"Now I understand why Dick Cheney keeps asking me to go hunting with him," said Jim Brady. "I had a friend once who accidentally shot pellets into his dog - and I thought he was an idiot."

"I've thought Cheney was scary for a long time," Sarah Brady said. "Now I know I was right to be nervous."

First off, this was not "gun violence," as the name on their Campaign indicates. It was an accident. How many times must one say, "Words mean things."? The Bradys' words most certainly mean a lot, in and of themselves. They are mean-spirited. They are menial in scope. They have little to no real meaning whatsoever, especially meaningless for the Whittington family.

It is not Cheney who is "scary." It's people trying to take away guns from the American public who are scary. The Bradys would be happy to take away my right to bear arms. That better not ever happen, and if that ever does occur, it will be a truly sad day for each American citizen.

To see the short pronouncement from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, click here.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ann Coulter and Muslim Studies

The prophet of Islam, Muhammad (c.570-632) can be seen on the North Wall Frieze in the Supreme Court courtroom, in Washington DC. Liz O. Baylen (THE WASHINGTON TIMES)

Ann Coulter consistently comes up with the best witticisms. If you haven't read her latest column on the "peaceful" Muslims, it is worth your time. The riots over cartoons, published months and months ago by European newspapers (Danish and Norwegian), show just how peaceful and tolerant Muslims are. Ann, in her usually-tongue-in-cheek style, gives you all the points. I find this quote by Coulter to be especially poignant: The rioting Muslims claim they are upset because Islam prohibits any depictions of Muhammad -- though the text is ambiguous on beheadings, suicide bombings and flying planes into skyscrapers. [end quote]

The Supreme Court, pic above, depicts "Muhammad," along with other religious people. This is just one example of a history of likenesses of Muhammad. So, all this hoopla is being flamed for a reason, and I believe it is to keep their people engulfed with rage toward all others, to keep them under a leader's or leaders' control. Perhaps more on that later.

Now, I can't imagine what Ann would say about the new "thing" in Europe that is out-raging some Muslims... it is an Arab-looking sex doll named "Mustafa." (chime in here, Ms. Coulter!) This moniker is supposedly another name for "Muhammad." These are sold mainly in London to women for bachelorette parties. Personally, I just can't get my mind around this, so I am leaving this topic for you to explore.

To read Ann's entire column, click here.

Also, here is a "cartoon" that was on a website's photo contest. One was to pick a famous person or character and show what would be in their "Bag of Crap" (what this website does with leftover products in their warehouse... $1 for up to 3 "craps"). Let me know what you think:

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Speaker in the Black

Democrat House Speaker Jim Black has been under scrutiny for a litany of actions regarding fund-raising, PAC contributions, video poker owners and their potentially excessive contributions. The state GOP's website has some great information if you want to follow some of the highlights. Click here for that.

A couple of my favorites here for you.

This one from the Editor at NCRumors.com. It has to do with Democrat Jim Black, an optometrist, attempting to pass a law to make eye exams for NC children entering school mandatory. "Democrat House Speaker Jim Black, a Charlotte optometrist, denies the provision was inserted into the budget in order to benefit his fellow optometrists and asserts it was Democrat Governor Mike Easley’s idea. The Governor’s Office denies such a suggestion."

Fun to see the posturing there. Now, these next two left me irate. It was gleaned from the GOP's website, linked above, on Jim Black's "reign."
"One toxic example: After state inspectors fined his son's pest control business in 2000, the Honorables eliminated the jobs of four inspectors."
"Two years later, a Black aide faxed Black's son that, "We are going to see if Sen. (Marc) Basnight will agree to add another person to the Structural Pest Control Board so that we can put both of your nominees on the board." The Honorables did, but Gov. Mike Easley vetoed the bill."

Remind me to post my picture of a few us in Raleigh, circa 2000, protesting tax hikes, a trip made with Charlotte's WBT personalities. It has a few of us with my hand-made sign that says, "Save us from the Black Plague!" By now, we are all infected, if you get my drift.

Military Matters

OK... Ask anyone for what the government should be using our tax dollars, and you will get the answer, "military," "protecting our borders," a general idea of keeping us safe.

1st Lt. William “Eddie” Rebrook IV, a graduate with honors from West Point, was doing just that in Iraq when he was wounded. Thankfully, though seriously hurt, he had body armor on and survived with all limbs. However, the U.S. army charged him $700 for his destroyed body armor and gear.

Listen, I love our military, but never, ever should this get to a Senate hearing where Robert Byrd can ask even one, solitary question, and thus, to the national media, making our country look inane, inept. This story is going around the world.

A country takes care of its soldiers. Our country does. Yet correcting mistakes like the one Rebrook faced should never, repeat, never, get as far as this one did. Some commander, official, whatever, should have taken this up immediately.

Read the entire article here. Your comments are always welcome.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Did you hear? Immigration Issue

This week, U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick (NC-09) presented a new program that will federalize ten Mecklenburg County Deputies so that they can help ICE detain and remove illegal aliens.

Myrick said, "We have a shortage of federal agents to deal with illegal aliens in our state, and this program provides us with some much needed back up. My hope is that every county in North Carolina sees what we are doing here and applies to set up a similar program with ICE."

ICE is U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Click here to read the entire press conference and comments.

As always, comments here are welcome.

North Carolina Governor...

OK... who do you want to be North Carolina's next (Republican, of course) Governor? Leave your choice by choosing "Comments" below. I would love to know why you want your choice, as well!

I will maintain this type of question off and on until a Republican candidate looks like a frontrunner.

Thank you for your input! People want to know!


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Coretta Scott King was memorialized today. I am very disappointed that a number of those attending let that occassion be a time to nastily swipe at President Bush. It should have been a remembrance and celebration of her life. Those types of people who were so inconsiderate are pitiful and little in scope, life, and breath. If you would like to read a bit more about that, go to this link on Drudge: http://www.drudgereport.com/flash8.htm

If you have comments about the funeral, its attendees, or lovely memories of Mrs. King, please hit the "Comments" button below.

Monday, February 06, 2006

You Are Here!

Welcome to rVoyage!

I want to share a few things about why this Conservative started rVoyage.

As you know, the "Conservative" is a principled person, believing in a set of ideals that are steeped in truth. Thus, it is hard to combat, at times, a web of deceit that is spun and propagated by those opposing "the right." You know and experience daily all the media outlets who propagate the spin from the Left. rVoyage, in part, is here to help clear that away. You are the ones who can help do that.

Your comments and opinions are vital in here. I welcome good, wholesome education, debate, and fun. A sense of community and, dare I use a much-used Christian word, "fellowship," are strongly encouraged in here.

A part of my political frustrastion derives from the state in which I dwell. Having lived in North Carolina for 17 years, I am tired of the Democrat-led governance we have, a behemoth of an example of abuse of power and money. The voyage we North Carolinians need to take is one of change. Change must occur in every aspect of our state government and it needs to happen this year. There is no time to lose, and we must elect good, Conservative candidates who have no fear in believing and carrying out those time-honored and proven Conservative principles.

I hope this blog will help you and others in forming the world around us. I will post things that are near and dear to my heart and hope to hear feedback from you. President Ronald Reagan stated, "In closing, let me thank you, the American people, for giving me the great honor of allowing me to serve as your president. When the Lord calls me home, whenever that day may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country of ours and eternal optimism for its future. I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life. I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead."

Let this day be the dawn of your own voyage.

God Bless America!
